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Agrees To Cover All

South Florida Elite 7v7 Classicâ„¢ Tournament Events

HSPN SPORTSâ„¢, the Nation's Leading High School Football Programming Network, Agrees to Cover the Qualifier, Regional, State and National Championship Tournaments for the South Florida Elite 7v7 Classicâ„¢.



IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Feb. 19, 2015 - MIAMI -- South Florida Elite 7v7 Classicâ„¢

HSPN SPORTSâ„¢ has agreed to live stream the South Florida Elite 7v7 Classicâ„¢. HSPNâ„¢ plans to bring its' entire broadcast crew in to cover what looks to be the premier Florida event of the year in South Florida. Following the March 14th Classic HSPNâ„¢ will also be covering the April 11th 'Regional Qualifier', the May 2nd 'Spring Qualifier', the June 6th 'State Championship' then the July 11th 'National Championship'.

Check out the HSPNâ„¢ promo Elite 7v7â„¢ video here;
















HSPNâ„¢, Director of Broadcasting, Ryan Stoutt says,"We are extremely excited to be able to cover such a premier event that will showcase these student athletes on our network (as well as out strategic partners websites) to give them the national coverage that they deserve. We have already let the college coaches (that follow us around the country) know about this exciting tournament and they told me that they can't wait to watch some of the nations top athletes compete live."

The one day tournament events will be held at McArthur High School in Hollywood, FL.

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