2015 Elite 7v7 National Football Associationâ„¢
The ELITE 7V7 NATIONAL FOOTBALL ASSOCIATIONâ„¢ starts the 2015 Season with 4 Tournaments Leading up to a July National Championship
IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Feb. 19, 2015 - HOLLYWOOD -- South Florida Elite 7v7 Classicâ„¢
The Elite 7v7 National Football Associationâ„¢opens its' season this year on March 14th at McArthur High School in Hollywood, FL with the South Florida Elite 7v7 Classicâ„¢ Tournament Series.
This is the only 7v7 event in the country that will include a cash prize to the 1st and 2nd place teams. The 1st Place Prize for this event is $1000.00 and the 2nd Place Prize is $500.00 which Earns Your Way to the Next Tournament.
Check out the video and see what it means to be Elite
The South Florida Elite 7v7 Classic's first event will be the 'Florida Qualifier'. Both South Florida Express Teams and Team Florida have already committed to the tournament. The event will be a one day tournament with the top two teams automatically qualifing for the Regional Qualifier.
The South Florida Elite 7v7 Classicâ„¢ looks to be the premier Florida event of the year located in the Mecca of 7v7 football, South Florida. Following the March Classic will be the April 11th 'Regional Qualifier', the May 2nd 'Spring Qualifier', the June 6th 'State Championship' then the July 11th 'National Championship'.
There are a limited number of spots available for this tournament. If you want to register your team please go to the 'registration forms' page to register.